Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Cancer Update

My husband finally had his radioactive treatment done for his thyroid cancer and things went smoothly! (knock on wood) His nuclear medicine doctor at Beth Israel in Newark, NJ is incredible nice and a doctor with a great sense of humor. We both felt comfortable with his care and treatment.

There was to be “potential side effects”, but to date nothing has been seen or noted by my husband. He feels great and is happy this first treatment is now behind him. He can take a breath and move forward. We can only hope that IF there were any lose cancer cells floating about his body, they have died a merciless death with the radioactive iodine. He’ll have to repeat the treatment in about 6 months to a year, but he has no qualms about doing so. Cancer sucks. It really does. On any level.

*More information on Radioactive Iodine Treatments http://www.endocrinologist.com/Radioactive.html


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