Monday, January 31, 2005

Journaling and Blogging

Journaling and blogging. What purpose do they serve?

I started journaling about 3 years ago in an attempt to sort through my problems. I was going through some difficult times, and in some odd way it helped to write down and list all my problems. Like seeing them in print would lessen the effects. You’d almost think seeing them listed might make matters worse. I have read those old writings and while many of the old problems are gone, I wonder if journaling at that time really did help me in the end. I think it did. I know it did.

Journaling is way for us to identify where our heads might be, to list insights into current problems, feelings, emotions. It’s also been a way for me to do writing. I love writing and seeing my words in print and knowing they might be read by others only adds. So blogging is way for me to share me with others. I have to believe someone somewhere might be interested in what I have to share. Perhaps my thoughts stimulate others to wonder about themselves. Maybe.

So with all this in mind, how is it I am not journaling and blogging every day? You’d think I would be pretty good about doing it. I guess like most, I get busy and it does take time to formulate the thoughts and then get them into print. Include to that, the fact that I now put them online for others to read, and that adds to the time equation as well.

I also feel that I just cannot randomly throw things out there. I have carefully chosen what I wanted to share. I think I might have to rethink that and simply put out there the thoughts and feelings as they swirl in my head. Of course, if you are reading my words, that might confuse you. Perhaps not. Maybe it might even make for better reading. The real me exposed more.

But then I wonder would the reader really is let into my world, would they think less of me? I don’t know. I have to chance it.

So here goes.

My problems as of today.

* My husband lost his job
* We may have to sell our home
* We may end up moving out of state and away from family
* My husband is facing treatment for thyroid cancer.
* I worry about him constantly
* I need more work hours and there are none available

That’s enough for now. There. It’s out there. A list. I somehow feel no better, but then I feel no worse. Perhaps tomorrow will bring a better entry.


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