Thursday, February 24, 2005

Life Goes On ( It does! )

It’s February 24, 2005 and life is better!

As noted in this entry,, life was pretty shitty here. Well as life happens, things change and my husband now has a new job, and we are back on track. He still has the cancer, but that too will be taken care of, and shortly.

So my worries were short lived, again. I am a worrier. I have always been one of those people who has the need to thrive on fretting. I can take the simplest life event and make it a major stressor. I know I do. I can’t help it though. I think it has something to do with my liking to be in control of things. Once life takes that from me, I fall to pieces. Then I stress everyone within a ten-mile radius with my anxieties. Then when things work out, I worry about why I worried to begin with. It’s a vicious, vicious cycle.

So the new job starts soon, and once again it’s the same job, doing the same thing, but only with a different company. Kind of like nursing. The environment might change, but the nursing care remains the same. I hope things start out well and stay constant. Status quo is a good thing. Now all I need is something new to worry about. I’m sure by noon today; I’ll have something to contemplate about. I can’t imagine me in a stress free day. Ever.

"Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. " ~ Natalie Goldberg


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