Thursday, May 12, 2005

Landscaping 101

Two years ago we bought our first home and with it the came the opportunity to do some creative landscaping. At first, the idea of finally being able to plant what we wanted, where we wanted was exciting. Never owning a place of our own did not afford us the chance to add to the grounds where we lived. Oh sure we could plant an occasional flower or two, but nothing big. Nothing we could really watch flourish.

The first year we were here, I began looking at each section of the yard as if it were a blank canvas. I wondered what would look good in each area. Would a small tree be better than a shrub? Would annuals be better than perennials? What colors should I add to that area of the canvas? Suddenly my excitement dwindled and the task of planting and being creative was daunting.

I thought perhaps getting books on the subject might help. So I off I went to the library and my nearest Barnes and Nobles to divulge into the world of landscaping. I even bought Landscaping for Dummies. After all, I was. I talked to friends who seemed like experts in their own yards. I watched HGTV and took notes. After two weeks of research I found myself even more overwhelmed. It was at this point I decided to relax, and to think about enjoying what I loved to do; that is to play in the dirt.

I went to the local nurseries and started buying the plants and trees I had come to love over the years. I found I was buying things I had grown up with at my parent’s home. The smell of lilacs wafting through the windows would certainly be welcomed at my home. The colors of the pink and white dogwoods would add here as well. Bulb flowers in all varieties needed to be planted.

After I managed to get a handful of shrubs and trees planted, the rest seemed to fall into place naturally without causing me any undo stress. My canvas was blooming and growing. My yard was coming to life. My yard! All mine.

I am now going into my second spring here and the colors and smells are definitely here. I’m not done by any means and have already begun moving things around. The adding may never stop as my gardens expand, but for now, I feel somewhat settled and happy when I stroll out in my yard. Van Gogh would marvel at my masterpieces. Life is good.


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