Friday, February 25, 2005

I Need Spring!

"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; he will not see me stopping here. To watch his woods fill up with snow." ~ Robert Frost

I wanted snow. I had to have it. Now I have gotten more than I need. I’m now in ‘want’ of warmth, new growth, and spring flora. What is it about snow? Why is it some of us crave that white stuff that only really causes nuisance? I have always loves snow, but the older I get the less I seem to crave it each winter. I hate showing my age.

The truth is I yearn for the days when I can stay out without the cold inducing pain. I also like playing in the dirt, and you can’t do much of that when the ground is frozen solid. I also have lots planned for my yard this year, and cannot wait to get started. Perhaps I simply cannot sit still, and snow has nothing to do with it?

Hurry Spring.


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