Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Day Two of Blogging

I have read many blogs online and have been entertained or have learned, in most cases. I'm not here to teach or entertain, but rather to put my words to print, so that my thoughts and feelings are out there. Now if I happen to entertain or teach someone along the way, well then good for me. Good for you.

I would imagine people might click to this blog to see if they might get some "inside" information on who I really am. Quite honestly, at times, I would like that same information. Even as old* as I am, I sometimes wonder who I am. I blame this wondering on the perimenopausal thingie. Here's where I would imagine some might groan and wonder if this will be a blog from someone pissing and moaning about perimenopause and menopause. It just might be. But then, if that's what directs my life at times, then that's who I am. Wow, we have learned something already.

My thoughts might be scattered at times, but then again, I am scattered at times. So bear with me. You might find you will enjoy the ride. I'd suggest you hang on as well. No helmuts are required though. At least for the passengers.

At this point I will briefly share what is going on in my life. I have just gone through the holiday rush like most and now face getting ready for my first family cruise. I'm excited. I have never cruised and look forward to doing so with my husband and kids. We are headed to the Western Caribbean via the cruise ship "The Navigator", one of the ships from the Royal Caribbean cruise ship line. I see the getting ready part as a pain in the butt, but like everything else in life, the cruise will be over before I know it, so I am taking each step and trying to enjoy it.

I have also decided that because my life isn't hectic enough, that I would tackle getting my Masters in Nursing. I have decided to do it via the net. People do everything through the internet, so surely I can get a degree. I'll be pursuing the degree through the University at Phoenix Online. I'm mentally ready. I thrive on challenges. I'm nuts.

So there you have it. A middle age woman taking her first family cruise at 48 years old and heading back to college. Exciting huh?

*I refer to myself as being "old" all the time. I do realize that 48 is not old. I do. Really. Most days. :)


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