Tuesday, December 28, 2004


So today I enter the blogging world. Seems almost appropriate to end the year with a new start. Now all I have to do is figure out what it is I truly want to blog about. I'm sure as time passes and the thoughts whirl around in my head, I will be able to share more, and easily.

I'm thinking right now the best place to start is with an introduction of sorts. Who is Niten and what's in her nook? Niten is merely a middle aged female living in New Jersey with her family, which consists of one husband and two adult children. She's a nurse. She's an avid reader, and will soon be heading back to school to finish up her degree. Her goals for 2005, besides starting this blog, are as follows: 1) learn to make pasta, 2) learn to knit, and 3) become a cheese Connoisseur, of sorts. I am not one of those people who makes New Year's resolutions. I used to be, but how many failures does one have to experience before one realizes resolutions are simply not the best thing to do. So I now have goals. Goals easily accomplished.

So as I travel thought the New Year, I will share the ups and the downs, and the in betweens. Hopefully I will amuse some, and along the way, learn more about myself.

That's a good start!


Blogger Supersaps said...

My mom was also a middle-aged nurse (early 50s) living in NJ with two adult children (I'm 22 and I have a younger sister). We moved to Illinois 3 years ago, but I thought it was an interesting parallel. (She worked in Trenton, by the way.)

12:19 PM  

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